Our site is a free to use resource for learning about the giant panda and finding the best panda themed products. We do not carry any of the products listed on the site ourselves and we do not directly sell anything.
Panda Things is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.
We are also a member of various other affiliate programs including those run by Zazzle and Etsy. We strive to keep the list of programs we work with up to date.
For nearly a decade we’ve tracked down and featured the best panda themed products we can, from retails across the web. We don’t list products solely for a commission, our main objective is to collate a wide range of high quality choices. We’ll always happily link to great products, regardless of whether or not they have an affiliate program attached to them.
Affiliate links do not come with any cost for our customers and don’t in any way change their experience of buying a product. We would not participate in any affiliate program or work with any online retailers that we didn’t have full confidence in.