Learn About the Giant Panda

There’s so much to learn about the world’s best bear. Wondering whether pandas can swim? Want to know how much bamboo a panda really eats? You’ve come to the right place. 

One of the most recognisable defining characteristics of marsupials is…  read more

Adult pandas have no natural predators in the wild. Thanks to their large size…  read more

The panda may not quite be a giant in the literal sense, but as part of the…  read more

Despite growing to weigh over 100kg, the giant panda starts off not very giant at all…  read more

The giant panda does live in the rainforest. A very special kind in China called…  read more

You might think of pandas as cuddly and sedentary creatures, but they’re…  read more

The life expectancy of a giant panda can vary quite a lot depending…  read more

In the wild giant pandas fall asleep in any number of places, they don’t…  read more

It’s often raised as a criticism against our cuddly friend – “Why would a…  read more

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