Panda Baby Clothes

We’ve brought together all these fab panda baby clothes in one place. Whether you’re after bodysuits, pajamas, bottoms or tops – we’ve got you covered. Boys and girls baby clothes available. All clothes made with baby safe fabrics and materials.

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Showing 33–47 of 47 results

Safety first
Being cute is great and all, but safety always comes first when we're talking babies. Our collection deliberately avoids too many clothes with those extra details that often seem a good idea... until they go missing. Construction quality is paramount so that everything stays where it should be and your little one stays safe.
Size options that work
So much of comfort is about the right fit, so you want sizes that make sense and you want lots of them to choose from. We've got you covered. 90%+ of our collection comes in lots of different sizes so you can get the right fit (again and again if you love the outfit and want to keep it as they grow bigger).
Spare the college fund
We know it can feel like you're buying clothes all. of. the. time. right now. Babies grow fast and you always want them to have the best, so it can really stretch things financially. We've selected options here that won't break the bank, but don't compromise on quality either. It's not about cheap, it's about finding the best possible value for your money.
Kind and gentle fabrics
Everyone's baby is different and you know which materials work for you and yours. So we've got a range of fabrics to choose from so that you can find the right option for you. A lot of the clothes we feature here and handmade, so it's always worth contacting the craftsperson to see if they offer alternatives or custom items.

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